Abortion as a part of our healthcare.

Abortion is a simple medical procedure which ends a pregnancy. Throughout history, around the world, and in many religions, women have used abortion as a part of our healthcare.

Not all women think abortion is cool for themselves, but all women have the right to make this choice.

Other options for an unplanned pregnancy include adoption and keeping the child.

Women choose abortion for many reasons:

  • We can't handle having a baby right now.
  • Our parents would be angry or disappointed; we might get kicked out of the house.
  • Having a baby might screw up finishing high school, going to college, or having a career.
  • The father is not going to help.
  • We don't have the money to take care of a baby.
  • Having a baby isn't healthy for us or the baby.
  • We may have gotten pregnant by rape or incest.